Weißes Herren-Poloshirt

The Vilebrequin men's white polo shirt is a timeless addition to any man's wardrobe. Less formal than a shirt but more dressy than a t-shirt, the white polo for men can be worn on any occasion, and embodies the fusion of elegance and sportswear. Its sleek ...look brings a casual chic style that will brighten up your wardrobe with Vilebrequin's finest finishes: a slim fit polo shirt for men, in cotton piqué with a lined collar for a perfect fit. Comfortable and chic, the white polo shirt for men is an emblematic piece that will bring out the elegance in you every day.Lesen Sie mehr
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    Solid Polohemd aus Jacquard für Herren
    2 farben
    170,00 €

Go for a chic and athletic style with the white polo shirt for men!

The Vilebrequin white polo shirt for men is a timeless garment, i...n a classic design, made to be worn and to last over time. Thanks to its neutral colour, you can combine the white polo shirt with any outfit in your wardrobe. For a trendy beach outfit, pair the white polo with a pair of men’s swim shorts. The traditional white polo shirt is a key piece in a man's wardrobe, due to its versatility and classic, timeless look. You can also give it a touch of originality by opting for a polo shirt in different colours and unique printsLesen Sie mehr.