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Christmas Carol - Vilebrequin Christmas Carol - Vilebrequin

A Holiday Tale

13 December 2017 - Collections

Once upon a time, a primitive turtle...

Vilebrequin Turtle's tale - Chapter 1 Vilebrequin Turtle's tale - Chapter 1

Once upon a time, on a lovely spring evening, a primitive turtle was tenderly watching over her future offspring. It was impatiently waiting for its eggs to hatch.

Vilebrequin Turtle's tale - Chapter 2 Vilebrequin Turtle's tale - Chapter 2

For centuries, located in the heart of a luxuriant nature, the turtle eggs were developed. At the dawn of a beautiful summer day, the newborns found their way all the way to the light.

Vilebrequin Turtle's tale - Chapter 3 Vilebrequin Turtle's tale - Chapter 3

During the warm summer nights, the first men and the turtles met to dance around the light fire. Every flame was vibrating at the rhythm of the music, in harmony with their movements.

Vilebrequin Turtle's tale - Chapter 4 Vilebrequin Turtle's tale - Chapter 4

When autumn came, our little turtles went on to discover the ocean. There, they met a selection of species coming from the deep sea.

Vilebrequin Turtle's tale - Chapter 5 Vilebrequin Turtle's tale - Chapter 5

As soon as the first snow fell, the turtles, freezing cold while getting out of the water, wrapped themselves up in cozy and soft pullovers, beanies and scarves. With their shells as sledges, they slid down the snowy mountains. Winter is here!


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