Summer 2023 leaves you no choice. Warm colors, busy streets, mouth-watering markets… and family first. The Sud is the only direction Vilebrequin knows.
Swimwear flirts with ready-to-wear: denim, lace, faux fur…all 100% sea-friendly! Sleeping in till noon? Throw on your crumpled sheets with a pair of shades. Ah, la dolce vita. Ratatouille and seafood are a recipe for joy. Keep an eye out for Turtles-en-Provence, a real gem!
The accents, the coffee, the passion: everything’s stronger here. New friends, old flames, three-to-four generations summering together… Vilebrequin celebrates those uniquely southern bonds.
The kids are alright, too. No, better than alright! They now get to play with their very own Vilebrequin line—perfect for days of long, sunny games and negotiating later bedtimes.